Calibration Services
Key solutions
Kigtek offer a range of high-quality calibration services including:
- IN-SITU flow, pressure, level and temperature calibrations
- Flow meters
- Sensors & transmitters
- Tanks and vats
- 0.5″ to 3″ line sizes
- Overall rig uncertainty of 0.5″
What needs calibration
- To maximise process efficiency and financial return
- For traceability purposes
- Instruments drift over time
- To ensure accurate readings for HMRC purpose
- Ensure process measurement accuracy
Portable and accurate calibration rig
- Allows calibration at process conditions
- Reduces downtime and loss of revenue
- Saves on shipping costs
Rig Capabilities
Reference Meter – Siemens FC430 lab calibrated reference meter
Line Sizes: 0.5” – 3” (4” dependent on flow rates)
Pump Capacity: 0 – 5.75 litres per sec / 345 litres per min
Reference Meter: Reference Meter
Reference Flow Meter Capacity: 0 – 19.5 litres per second
Primary Calibration Fluid: Water
Overall Rig Uncertainty: 0.5%
Typical Calibration Stages
Assemble and connect Kigtek’s portable calibration rig
- Install unit to be calibrated and establish communications
- Analyse current configurations
- Zero all meters
- Complete 6-test point calibration at 3 flow rates
- Adjust instruments as required to bring into specification